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Let's talk a little bit about us

Who we are and what we like to do...


KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

SNIDeR – Special Needs, use ICT, Drop papers


KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

2017 – 2020

The Schools

Partners from each country particitating in Romania Online

Sofia, october 2019 (author:EM)

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Zagreb, capital of Croatia

Privatna gimnazija i ekonomsko-informatička škola Futura s pravom javnosti - or Private school Futura - is high school located in Zagreb (Croatia) which offers education for IT technicians and economists. It has around 120 students and staff made of 20 people with teaching or pedagogical responsibilities. One of the most important characteristics of Futura is that it is technologically very well equipped which supports its accent on modern education and will to raise informatically literate generations of students. Classes in Futura are small so teachers take individual approach which is beneficial especially for students with various difficulties.

Teacher and students who took part in this online students project are:

Iva Lukin - Teacher

Tomislav Kranjčić - Student

Mihael Radojčević - Student

Vito Volarević - Student


Krakow, may 2019 (author:EM)

Primary School with Integrating Classes No. 12

Over 400 pupils attend the school, including 60 directed for special education in the integrating class system. There are 19 classes, 10 of which are generally accessible and 9 are integrating classes. Integrating classes consist of 20 students, including 3-5 disabled. Teachers and students in these classes are supported by a special educator, so-called a supporting teacher.

Małgorzata Sołtys- a teacher of English( on the right)

Magdalena Mamczura- a teacher of English (on the left)

(LTTA in Lisbon, March 2018)

Anastazja Biłko- a student

Julia Trojańska- a student

Emilia Wolak- a student

Let's watch some videos about us!


Sintra, março 2018 (author:EM)

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Anália Borges Gonçalves - Portuguese and French Teacher

Elvira Monteiro - Biology and Geology Teacher

José Luís Martins - Physical Education Teacher

André Cruz - Student

Inês Loureiro - Student

Manuel de Jesus Dias - Student


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