As some of you know (or not), I teach french. But, here I am trying to write in english.
So, my titlle, makes me think about a great portuguese writer (1799-1854) , Almeida Garrett, that wrote "Viagens na Minha Terra" (Travels in my Homeland), and mentions that we can travel arround our room, playing with the french novel "Travels arround my room".
The author himself traveled from Lisbon to Santarém to collect material for the part of the trip that is described in the book - and also for some of the scenarios of the novel that permeates it. Today, Garrett would probably no longer need to make that trip, even though the means of completing it are now much more effective than they were in the nineteenth century. It was enough to grab a computer, go to Google Earth and, with the help of the cardinal points placed on the GPS, travel, in almost real time, the way he would take. Therefore, he did not need to leave his room.
This is what happens now with us, due to Covid19. We can't travel to Bucharest, but the internet opens the door of our rooms to the capital of Romania.
Who is going to open the door for us?

Posted by Analia Borges, Portugal