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Distance Learning and Students with Special Needs

Due to the Coronavirus, schools are closed in Portugal, as in many other countries. Distance learning now prevails. At our school, students who have a computer / tablet / mobile phone and the Internet have classes (synchronous and asynchronous sessions) through Google Classroom. Those without technological resources can attend classes on television or receive alternative tasks at home. What about students with special needs? Personalized support was kept at distance through monitoring the students and their families, via mobile phone, video calls, videoconferences, e-mail and adapting materials. We have compiled a list of resources and defined a new plan to continue the process of home learning. However, these students, accustomed to a more individualized support and close to the teachers, are, in general, showing more difficulties in accompanying the classes. For teachers, despite efforts, it is much more difficult to support students with special needs at distance. At this moment, teachers and students miss the classroom school a lot!

Posted by Fernanda Batista, Portugal


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