As all of the world is facing a serious problem with the COVID-19 virus pandemic everything around us had to change. A lot of businesses had to close down and not allow their workers to go to work, because it is dangerous to be around others right now. The same thing happened with schools. They had to be shut down. But only the buildings.
At our school all the students, who have access to the internet via a computer, smartphone, tablet, etc. can still keep studying through G Suite - a combination of a lot of apps, which benefit studying greatly. Teachers use Google Classroom to give us assignments, tests and homework and also provide material which we can use to study. We have video-calls on a daily basis, using Google Meet and I must say everything is going smoothly. Teachers and students are working together as a team, so that everything can continue as well s it can during this dire situation. I am happy that we were well-prepared for work online and that our educators are as enthusiastic as ever!
If there is desire, there is always a way things can keep going, no matter what!

Posted by Slavcho Abrashev (student), Bulgaria