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How Poles try to survive difficult Covid-19 time ?

One of our students (Julia) being separated from others, created a song in order to cheer us up.

Let's listen to it!

Here is the message of the song: If you feel bored you can:

  • studay in the morning to have free time in the afternoon

  • chat your friends on Messenger

  • help your mum with cooking

  • clean your dad's garage

  • read books

  • dance and sing in front of the mirror

Other students from Primary School No 12 in Cracow to make us feel better have prepared stickers with good wishes. Here are they:

Everyting is going to be fine!

Don't lose your hope!

Great that you are!

There is always sunshine after a rainy day

Keep smiling! Everything will be like usual!

I don't miss studying, but I miss you all!

One of our colleagues (a lower primary school teacher) to help her family and friends keep safety has sewn a lot of face masks.

Posted by Małgorzata Sołtys, Magdalena Mamczura


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