Coronavirus and the current lockdown
Cities are silent, factories are closed, skies are quiet, rivers and seas are blue and clean…
and our students say: “Teacher, I miss you!”
Posted by Isabel Monteiro, Portugal
Quarantine in Portugal
Hello! My name is João Matos. These days because of the coronavirus I have taken some measures of prevention such as use masks, washing my hands more times a day, use alcohol gel after tucking on things. My advice: take care! I have many thoughts and sometimes… I lose.
Posted by João Matos (Student), Portugal
Hello friends.
I hope you are well. I speak to you from Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. As for the situation we all experience due to COVID-19, in Portugal, our whole life has changed: at school, we stopped taking face-to-face classes and started taking classes at home. In the morning, we use the Classroom platform, over the Internet, where we communicate with our teachers and colleagues, learn, do works and ask questions. In the afternoon, we have classes on television. From a social point of view, we are always at home, our parents go to work or are telecommuting when possible. The Family does not socialize with friends, we only communicate by phone and internet, because we try to protect ourselves through social distance. Whenever we leave the house, we wear face masks and wash our hands often. It is not being easy, but we are very united and we support each other. The good thing is that the planet Earth is less polluted.
Be well and a big hug from portuguese friends.

Posted by Francisco Crisóstomo (student), Portugal
Hello, friends!
I hope you are doing well!
I am writing from Sofia, Bulgaria and I want to share my thoughts on the whole situation around COVID-19. Everything here is a bit confusing, but we have to stay home and keep ourselves and everyone else around us. There aren't so many people that have gotten sick, which is good and our government is taking a lot of safety precautions, which help prevent the spreading of this virus.
Everything at school is actually going well for me , I have learned a lot of new things y studying remotely, I am doing way better with technology right now, it's not as distracting to learn at your own home. There are some positive sides to this situation - I appreciate everything a lot more (hanging out with friends, talking to people, going to school), so I think that we, as people, kind of needed to slow down and appreciate life more.
I am sending lots of hugs to everyone and best regards from Bulgaria!

Posted by Maria Takova (student), Bulgaria
Hello, all!
We can go outside now, we can meet friend, but only in distance and the sun shines, but we can't go to school. But things are getting better here, so I hope we can meet again soon!
Hugs from Bulgaria!

Posted by Aleksander Eftimov (student), Bulgaria
Hello from me! Lately, because of the COVID-19 virus we have to say home and leave only when necessary, wear masks, use hand sanitizers and keep social distance between us and other people. It is worrying in a way, that our lives change, but we can use the opportunity to work on skills such as art, cooking, playing an instrument, finishing tasks that we have postponed because we had no time before. We can also talk to our online friends more, take time to relax and study in the comfort of your own home. Everything will work out eventually, but we need to be strict and responsible.
Greetings and hugs from Bulgaria!

Post by Slavcho Abrashev (student), Sofia, Bulgaria